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Sunday, 9 October 2011

A Kleancolor Metallic necklace

A necklace and piece of jewellery made from nail polish, Kleancolor metallic Black, Metallic Purple, Metallic Aqua, Metallic Sapphire, Metallic White

This is a necklace I made the other week by using some Kleancolor Metallic nail polishes. And as you can see this is the piece that is crowning the header of my blog.

Since I love black I made it with a base of Kleancolor Metallic Black and then added small portions of Metallic Purple, Sapphire, Aqua and White for the marbling. Once the marbling of the polishes were done I added a couple of silver dragonflies.

the Kleancolor metallic nail polishes used for making a ring and a necklace, pieces of jewellery made from Kleancolor metallic Black, Metallic Purple, Metallic Aqua, Metallic Sapphire, Metallic White

A ring and piece of jewellery made from nail polish, Kleancolor metallic Black, Metallic Purple, Metallic Aqua, Metallic Sapphire, Metallic White

To match the necklace I made a ring in the same colors. I'm more satisfied with the necklace than the ring, I think it would look better on a rectangluar setting instead.

Do you like it? Isn't it amazing that you can use nail polish to make beautiful pieces of jewellery?


Kajalpennan said...

Skulle du kunna tänka dig att göra en nyckelring (väsksmycke) åt mig?

Chaosophia said...

Väldigt vackra smycken! Jag skulle gärna vilja ha någon liknande ring!

Cactus said...

Wow! Så galet snygga båda två, älskar dem!

Anonymous said...

Å vad jag vill testa nagellackssmycken!

Annie said...

Så oerhört vackra! Och jag tycker att ringen är jättefin som rund (eller vad man ska säga)

Unknown said...

Kajalpennan & Chaosophia: det är bara att höra av sig om ni är intresserade av en beställning...

Till alla: Tack för era fina kommentarer, precis vad jag behöver idag. Jag försöker överleva dagen med trasigt knä, världens värsta förkylning och ensam med en 8-mån bebis. *trött*

Sminkan said...

Jag gillar ringen mer än halsbandet. Oerhört snyggt!

MK said...

Yes, I love this piece too although that might be because it features my favorite colors. The ring setting isn't bad as it is and personally, rectangles haven't been my "favorite" shape for a ring. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, the expression goes.

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