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Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Kleancolor Metallic Fuschia

Kleancolor Mteallic Fuschia, a beautiful magenta/fuschia colored nail polish

Today's nail polish is Kleancolor Metallic Fuschia and this is a real showstopper. I just can't take my eyes of my nails right now. This is one of the polishes from the Kleancolor Metallic collection and Metallic Fuschia is not for the shy one.

The color is a shiny magenta that really hits you in the face. I like it, but I think it's even more beautiful in the bottle than on your nails, so I must say I'm a bit disappointed. The microscopic silver particles that you spot in the bottle doesn't show at all once on the nail. The apperance is instead an even but radiant color, almost like a neon.

Metallic Fuschia is easy to apply and you only need one coat. I just looove one-coaters!!

Kleancolor Mteallic Fuschia, a beautiful magenta/fuschia colored nail polish, picture of the bottle

Kleancolor Mteallic Fuschia, a beautiful magenta/fuschia colored nail polish
  Not a very sharp picture at all, but i love the colors...

The only drawback is that Kleancolor adds camphor in their polishes, which is a toxic chemical in larger quantities. I just can't understand why some manufacturers still add poisonous compounds in their products. I mean, this is the 21st century! Let's make environmental and customer friendly products instead!!

About Fuschia
Did you know that Fuschia actually is a beautiful flower, which has given name to the color fuschia, or magenta as it is also called. The fuschia plant is itself named after the German scientist Leonhart Fuchs, a famous botanist living in the 16th century.

The fuschia plant, a beautiful magenta/fuschia colored flower


Pamsan said...

Läckert! Håller dock med om kemikalierna. Ska det verkligen behövas? :(

Unknown said...

Ja, visst är det trist. Det är baksidan med nagellackshobbyn jag inte gillar...

Cactus said...

Måste säga att inläggen känns väldigt genomtänka och arbetade nu sen du bytte namn, det märks att du lägger ner tid och energi på dem!

Unknown said...

WOW! gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Håller också med om Kamfern.. varför, liksom?

MK said...

Look on a tube of Chapstick Medicated- you know, balm for dry cracked lips and Camphor is there, although only 1%. If they aren't afraid to put in on your lips, why would they worry about in polish? Funny how being "Big 3 Free" doesn't include Camphor.

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